Destiny's Challenge

Destiny's Challenge Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Pédigrée de Jewel-nile of Destiny's Challenge

Staffordshire Bull Terrier


Jewel-nile of Destiny's Challenge

N° d'origine : 3STABT32152/0


CH. Abdulla the emir Of the browndeanlaws bullyboys


CH. Bullyhouse Mac tavish

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CH. Tenacious Onest oscar

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CH. Bullyhouse First edition

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Get rich or die trying of Destiny's Challenge

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Cocktail xplosif des Terres D'Armor

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CH. Ares du zircon bleu

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Dolche vita (Sans Affixe)

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CH. majura She's Magic

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CH. Abdulla the emir Of the browndeanlaws bullyboys

AA Grand-mère

CH. Virago the tempestuous Of the browndeanlaws bullyboys

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CH. Widestaff Bobmarley

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Ustine (Sans Affixe)

AA Grand-père

CH. Widestaff Bobmarley

AA Grand-mère

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